A provincial visit in Mongolia

A provincial visit in Mongolia
This afternoon we drove out of Ulaanbaatar, to meet with officials in Zuunmod, the capital of the the central Tuv Province of Mongolia.  The reason for the visit was to…

Touristic day out of Ulaanbaatar

Touristic day out of Ulaanbaatar
This last weekend it was nice to catch a ride with a colleague and some new friends, out of Ulaanbaatar, the busy capital of Mongolia, and into the countryside nearby.…

Started work in Mongolia

Started work in Mongolia
I have recently arrived in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, to start work on a World Bank-funded project, providing advice to the Ministry of Mining, in connection with the policies…

Crisis? Perspectives!

  Looking at the news as presented over TV over the last few days, I have come to the conclusion that we all worry and complain about various issues in…

The Will to Act

I recently saw an advertisement in The Economist, with a fantastic quote attributed to Plato: "He who wishes to serve his country must have not only the power to think,…

The end of another visit to Ghana

The end of another visit to Ghana
  Today is the last day of another short visit to Ghana.  A busy week, featured quite a few meetings, and visits to the Agbogbloshie waste recycling area, to the…

Threatened client…

Today I received the following chilling news from a colleague, published in yesterday's Latin American Herald Tribune. Mrs. Sandra Morelli, who heads up the Contraloria General de la Republica, has…

Walking weekend

Walking weekend
Monday 2nd July, 2012 Though I usually write about (semi)professional issues, or at least work-related ones, I want to share something about this last weekend, when I travelled to the…

Payment irritations…

Usually my invoices have been paid on (or before) time.  Certainly this is the case for those people that I have worked with often.  Which makes it irritating when a…