Ron Smit Consulting

Supporting governance and sustainable development in the mineral sector.  
Management of donor-funded development projects.

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Supporting sustainable development in the mineral sector.

Experience with governance and development projects in the mineral sector

Management of donor-funded development projects

Successful leadership of and participation in donor-funded projects


Skilled in liaison and communication with clients, donors and other stakeholders

Ron … directed us to an on time project completion, making sure that all project tasks and deliverables were completed on schedule. He is a very calm and organized person. I enjoyed Ron’s sensible leadership approach and he was always available to provide guidance as well as knowledgeable input. I would be delighted to work with him any time again.”

Eva Stredder

Senior Consultant, Swedish Geological AB

“I found Ron to be very organised, competent in his field, and in matters relating to management, liaison with various stakeholders and strategic input. He … can be trusted with any project. He is very knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with."

Trevor Dale, HR Manager, JCI Limited

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