It’s all good

It’s all good

The picture should indicate clearly which time of the year we are in, and normally autumn is that time of the year when one enjoys the colourful trees, while grimly considering the coming winter…

Autumn colours and blue sky

But this picture also clearly shows red leaves in sunlight, and a blue sky behind.  We are indeed enjoying some really nice, late summer weather, and it's the first of October!  Next week will apparently not be quite as nice, but better weather should follow again, we are told.  Then, I travel to Ghana for almost 10 days from next weekend, so that should give me some good hot, steamy weather.  I'll be working with the NDF/RMG, etc. e-scrap project there.

Then, on 26th October, we travel to South Africa for 3 weeks, taking in Marcel's birthday, in the Cape, and the wedding of a niece, in Gauteng.  The weather should be pretty acceptable, that time of the year.

And then the cherry on the top is the fact that I currently have the luxury of looking at two different job opportunities, back in mainstream geology and exploration management.  Nervous, but exciting times!  The less charitable among you will bring my story to full circle by suggesting that I'm in the autumn of my career, but I believe I still have quite a few active and useful years ahead of me.